Time for a cocktail and reality check this morning!

Unreal News…….

Got up today at 4:00am and headed to the hospital for a quick outpatient surgery.  After a few quick tests I was first one up for the days surgical procedures.  At around 5:30am they wheeled me into the operating room all prepped and ready to go.

I was ready for my fourth or fifth syscopy, a procedure where they send a camera and a type of “weed eater” to clear out tumors in your bladder.  When I woke up in the recovery room I felt pretty good and then I got the news.

They couldn’t find any tumors in my bladder or urethral tubes.   They had disappeared!   This was the primary site of my cancer which had progressed into my kidneys and then lungs.

To say this was good news might be the understatement of the year.  I still have some tumors in my lungs; however, they hopefully are on the way out.

My doctor appeared to be very surprised and very happy to give my wife this news while I was in the recovery room.

Not really sure how this happened.  Was it the experimental treatments at MD Anderson, the Keytruda treatments or a combination of medicine and my faith in GOD?  I say the Lord had much to do with this.

I had already accepted my fate and placed my faith in Jesus some time ago.  I figured that everyday was a good day when I wake up.  I also look forward to jumping out of bed on Sunday morning and heading to Church.  I also speak with God everyday, never really knew if he was listening until today.

Then I think about my friends who are in the throes of cancer and the many treatments they are going thru.  I am saddened when they suffer or pass, my hope is that they are in a better place.

I can say one thing, from the bottom of my heart.  Replace your fear with faith in our Lord.  What happens will happen and all of the fear and anger you can muster will only drive you into a dismal abyss.  I feel the pain of the tribulation; however, I have faith that a better place is ahead of us.

I have been blessed with prayers from my friends.  The power of prayer is as strong as any medicine you can take.  Taking time to reveal your feeling with friends and family is a great relief.

I say,  do something for someone else today.  Enjoy the company of your friends and family.  Make the effort to enjoy your day and also your life.  Our life, be it short or long,  is best remembered as someone with a positive attitude that has something good to say about everything.  Be a winner and not a whiner.

One last thing, nobody, doctors, friends or family knows how long a life will last.  Savor your day and treat this one as if it might be your last.  Getting another CT scan in about 5 weeks, that will tell the whole story.

Myself, I’m going to pour a little Johnnie Walker Blue over ice, sit on the back porch and enjoy this day.  Holy crap it’s 10:24am, guess it’s time for a cocktail and a little John Prine.  (Also if this cancer is cured, can a 911 be far behind?)


10 thoughts on “Time for a cocktail and reality check this morning!

  1. Harry o’boy, you got the memo !! You are born again in the heart full bloom. No stopping you now, every one who has ears to hear will be inspired with your testimony God is real. I’m so excited for you !! It’s not about money, things, or us. It’s building the kingdom with gratitude, love, and kindness for others. Even the dirty bum laying in his own vomit from too much fire water. God loves him too and so should we. To love is to know God and Harry you really know Him. I’m very happy for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Harry–Perhaps there’s a billboard at the airport–a success story at MD Anderson–with your name on it after all! Maybe you and Barbie can be in the G-mobile for the shot. We’re very happy to hear this excellent news!


  3. That is fantastic news, Harry! Prayers do work. I won’t stop saying them for you. Thank you for your words, they inspire me.


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